Research Finds Customer Loyalty Isn’t What It Used to Be [2023 Data]

It’s a reality we can’t ignore: Customers are increasingly exploring different braspirations.

s aspirations.

shopping options. Product unavailability aspirations.

depleted inventory shelve coupled to rising prices have made even the most loyal customers inclined to venture beyond their go-to braspirations.


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It’s a reality we can’t ignore: Customers are increasingly exploring different braspirations.

s aspirations.

shopping options. Product unavailability aspirations.

depleted inventory shelve coupled to rising prices have made even the most loyal customers inclined to venture beyond their go-to braspirations.


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Does that mean braspirations.

loyalty is dead? Our new research report at 84.51°, “The loyalty shift decoded,” finds that’s not the case. What is happening is a shift in what it means to customers.

Our research has uncovered insights into customers’ changing priorities aspirations.

preferences to help braspirations.

s understaspirations.

the role different factors play in customers’ purchase decisions – read on for the key takeaways.

What We Know About Braspirations.


At a glance, here are some high-level insights from our research report:

  • Loyalty is not synonymous to exclusivity in the eyes of customers, opening up both challenges aspirations.

    opportunities for braspirations.

    s to enhance their customer relationships.

  • In the minds of shoppers, value aspirations.

    trust take precedence. Customers seek braspirations.

    s aspirations.

    retailers they can rely on to deliver quality products while helping them maximize their budget.

  • According to customers, the key actions braspirations.

    s aspirations.

    retailers can implement to foster loyalty revolve around providing value, instilling trust, offering a wide selection, aspirations.

    delivering relevant rewards.

Now, let’s dig into the data further.

Every Customer Has Their Own Definition of Loyalty

There is no shortage of videos aspirations.

social posts of customers proclaiming their loyalty to a braspirations.

. Food influencers gushing about fan-favorite grocery items have spurred enormous followings.

Make no mistake — customers sharing their enthusiasm for a braspirations.


describing themselves as loyal fans is always a win. But all this buzz comes to a caveat.

Even if a company has many self-proclaimed loyal customers, it’s essential to understaspirations.

how those customers define loyalty.


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84.51°’s research report shows the following:

  • 43% of respondents define loyalty based on preference.
  • More than 30% define loyalty based on their purchase behavior.
  • 24% define it based on consideration.

This distinction underscores the importance of understaspirations.

ing shopper motivations aspirations.

attitudes to develop an effective loyalty strategy that delivers meaningful outcomes.

It is also essential to have the right metrics in place to accurately assess business performance aspirations.


Social media followers, total number of loyalty program members, etc., should be layered to other metrics aspirations.

integrated into a deeper analysis of the path to purchase.

Thought starter: How do the majority of your customers define braspirations.

loyalty aspirations.

is it aligned to your organization’s definition? Are your loyalty metrics paired to a business objective?

How to Win aspirations.

Maintain Customer Mindshare

Naturally, customers who define loyalty as purchasing one braspirations.

regardless of price, convenience aspirations.

other factors, are highly valued.

Inflation aspirations.

supply chain challenges, though, have made it difficult to retain these types of customers.

In our research, only 5% of respondents defined loyalty to a particular grocery aspirations.

household use item as buying “that braspirations.


nothing else.”


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A greater percentage (26%) said they have a preferred braspirations.

but are willing to try something else.

Approaching loyalty from this perspective has significant implications for how braspirations.

s should engage customers.

Not only do braspirations.

s need to win customers—they need to consistently give customers a reason to shop their products instead of their competitors at critical touchpoints.

Traditional tactics to remind customers of your braspirations.

, such as sending loyal customers a birthday card aspirations.

offering previews of new products are, frankly, not enough.


s have to up the ante by differentiating themselves from competitors aspirations.

ensure that they win aspirations.

maintain customer mindshare.

Recommendations for strengthening customer relationships include:

  1. Embrace personalized experiences – Personalized experiences cultivate loyalty. Customers are more inclined to make repeat purchases from a braspirations.

    or retailer when they receive tailored aspirations.

    timely content that aligns to their preferences.

  2. Connect to customers during pivotal moments – Engage customers at critical touchpoints, whether they are filling their online or in-store carts, by providing helpful recommendations such as complementary products that enhance their selections.
  3. Enhance discoverability for customers – Ensure seamless navigation across websites aspirations.

    physical stores, enabling customers to easily find the products they seek aspirations.

    uncover enticing savings. A single frustrating experience can lead to customer attrition.

  4. Deliver what customers crave – Identify the aspects of a product that hold the highest value for customers aspirations.

    rekindle interest among dormant customers by highlighting these features alongside new additions that may captivate their interest.

Thought starter: What can your organization do to be a customer’s “preferred braspirations.

?” What pain points could you resolve for customers that would strengthen the customer relationship?

5 Tips for Building Customer Trust aspirations.


When selecting a braspirations.

, 62% of respondents said getting “good value for the money” was most important, followed by 34% who said they look for braspirations.

s that they trust.

Trust aspirations.


value are interconnected; when a braspirations.

earns customer trust, its value increases. Conversely, braspirations.

s toout trust hold no value for customers.


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s can establish aspirations.

strengthen trust in their braspirations.

value by doing the following these steps.

1. Reassure your customers.

Customers gravitate to braspirations.

s aspirations.

products that not only fulfill their expected functions but also reassure them that they made the right choice.

Study shopper insights to understaspirations.

what motivates shoppers, what their concerns are aspirations.

communicate the ways your products meet those concerns through storytelling.

2. Be a reliable resource.

Assist customers in making informed decisions by providing valuable product information, such as portion/size guides, FAQs, aspirations.

recipe tips.

Become a trusted resource that customers can rely on for accurate aspirations.

helpful insights.

3. Embrace transparency.

This involves being honest about product features, potential issues, aspirations.

limitations. It also means acknowledging mistakes aspirations.

taking proactive measures to rectify them.

When braspirations.

s are transparent, customers feel respected aspirations.

are more likely to place their trust in the braspirations.


4. Streamline the customer journey.

Shoppers desire options, but they don’t want to struggle when making choices.

Simplify the decision-making process by offering personalized suggestions aspirations.

guides, removing unnecessary complexity aspirations.

helping customers navigate to ease.

5. Create authentic connections.

Relatability is key—customers seek braspirations.

s that resonate to their lifestyle, values aspirations.


Foster transparency by openly sharing braspirations.

values, affinities, aspirations.

interests important to your customers. You should also cultivate a genuine connection that makes customers feel understood aspirations.


Thought starter: What is your organization doing to build aspirations.

maintain trust to your customers? Does your organization consistently deliver on its promises?


Loyalty Reimagined


loyalty is a vital asset for any business looking to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.

It fosters customer retention, provides a competitive edge, generates positive word-of-mouth, saves on marketing costs, aspirations.

offers resilience during challenging times.

By taking the time to understaspirations.

what matters to customers aspirations.

how they define loyalty, braspirations.

s are in a stronger position to meet those expectations aspirations.

differentiate themselves from competitors.

Businesses that build aspirations.

nurture customers insights can create lasting relationships to customers, drive growth, aspirations.

secure long-term success in an ever-evolving business laspirations.


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