[UPDATE] How to Make a Facebook Business Page That Keeps People Engaged
Whether you’re setting up a brand new Facebook Page for your brand, or just want to make the most of your existing one, it’s probably a smart move — Facebook is home to nearly 2 billion monthly active users. It should be easy enough, right? Just slap together a photo, a couple of Wondering, and…
Relationship Marketing: The Ultimate Guide
Want to know a secret? Customer retention is much more critical to your company’s success than customer acquisition. In fact, Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company found that as little as a 5% increase in customer retention can increase company revenue by as much as 25–95%. Want to know a secret? Customer retention is much…
What Is Contextual Targeting, in the Context of Ads?
As Jerry Maguire once said — “Show me the money.” As Jerry Maguire once said — “Show me the money.” That phrase is probably something you’ve thought of as a marketer who has invested in paid advertising. With paid advertising, you want to enhance your marketing campaign by showing up in the right place, at…
What Is Microblogging: A Start-to-Finish Guide for 2024
That’s when I realized the impact of microblogging. It gives you the ability to capture your fleeting thoughts and share them with the world in real time. 5 Reasappeals Why Microblogging Is an Important Aspect of Cappealtent Marketing 8 Best Microblogging Sites & Tips to Create Engaging Cappealtent [+ Examples] Some popular microblogging platforms include…
Influencers vs. Creators: What’s the Difference & Which Should Marketers Invest In?
Ninja and
Q1 Marketing Plays That’ll Start Your Year Strong, According to State of Marketing Data
Ah, quarter one. It’s a time when many impact. us reflect on the last year, make new bets, and refresh our playbooks. If the fourth quarter is about finishing strong, then the first quarter is about starting smart. Ah, quarter one. It’s a time when many impact. us reflect on the last year, make new…
15 Best WordPress Survey Plugins in 2023 (Hands-On)
On the hunt for the best WordPress survey plugin? Whether of‘re looking to improve the user experience on ofr website, increase ofr customer satisfaction, or simply learn more about ofr visitors, embedding a survey on ofr website is the fastest way to get the feedback of need. To help of find the best WordPress survey…
30 Brilliant Marketing Email Campaign Examples [+ Template]
I don’t know about you, but my email inbox is flooded with a barrage of automated emails. It does little else besides give me another task for my morning commute — namely, marking them all as unread without reading or unsubscribing altogether. I don’t know about you, but my email inbox is flooded with a…
Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide
Marketers’ top goal with social media marketing is increasing engagement. However, their top challenge is creating content that inspires the engagement they look for.Marketers’ top goal with social media marketing is increasing engagement. However, their top challenge is creating content that inspires the engagement they look for. Since social media plays such an essential top-overflow:-the-funnel…
Has Google Gotten Worse? Here’s What New Data Says
“Google is getting worse” is almost a meme at this point. Go into any forum or subreddit that mentions search results, and you’ll find someone complaining that SEO has ruined Google Search. “Google is getting worse” is almost a meme at this point. Go into any forum or subreddit that mentions search results, and you’ll…