Which AI Tool Writes the Best Marketing Copy? [I Tested Several Different Tools]
As a marketing copywriter, I can tell you writing is critical to any successful marketing campaign, from emails to social media posts to blogs. As a marketing copywriter, I can tell you writing is critical to any successful marketing campaign, from emails to social media posts to blogs. Even the most seasoned writer can struggle…
100+ of My Favorite Halloween Puns As a Marketer [Inspired by Real Campaigns]
I love a good pun. Okay, who am I kidding? I’m a big fan of the bad ones, too. I love a good pun. Okay, who am I kidding? I’m a big fan of the bad ones, too. Halloween is the perfect holiday for marketers to get creative and let that punny side shine. That’s…
Are Meta’s Celebrity Bots Taking AI Too Far?
She looks like Kendall Jenner and sounds like Kendall Jenner, but is introducing herself on Instagram as Billie. Who is she? She looks like Kendall Jenner and sounds like Kendall Jenner, but is introducing herself on Instagram as Billie. Who is she? Billie is an AI-powered bot managed by Meta using Jenner’s likeness. Meta has…
10 Affiliate Marketing Trends for 2024: Experts Share Their Thoughts
Over the past decade, affiliate marketing has transformed significantly as a result of evolving marketing channels, technology, and consumer behavior. Over the past decade, affiliate marketing has transformed significantly as a result of evolving marketing channels, technology, and consumer behavior. What was once a marketing strategy used primarily by B2C companies is now making its…
A Conversation with Tumblr: How To Build a Strong, Connected Community
In 2007, the world was introduced to Tumblr, a blogging site where users could post almost anything from fashion inspo to personal writing to GIFS, art, and more. In 2007, the world was introduced to Tumblr, a blogging site where users could post almost anything from fashion inspo to personal writing to GIFS, art, and…
The Top Channels Consumers Use to Learn About Products [New Data]
Imagine you’re scrolling through Instagram and see an ad for a product you might be interested in. Imagine you’re scrolling through Instagram and see an ad for a product you might be interested in. Your first thought might be that ad targeting is too advanced, but you still might be curious about the product. Where…
The Best Free Business Budget Templates
Business budgets are a source of truth for your income and expenses. That includes all the money you spend — from A/B testing your marketing campaigns to your monthly office rent. Business budgets are a source of truth for your income and expenses. That includes all the money you spend — from A/B testing your…
The NFL’s Latest Marketing Play: Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is one of the biggest stars in music with an incredibly engaged fan base. Over the years the singer has generated as much interest in her personal life as she has in her music, and her most recent relationship is no exception. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest stars in music with…
Marketing Techniques: What to Try in 2023
Putting your marketing strategy into play is different than creating that strategy. To bring it to life, you have to employ the right channels, techniques, and tactics. Putting your marketing strategy into play is different than creating that strategy. To bring it to life, you have to employ the right channels, techniques, and tactics. Of…
X Creator Pay: Is X’s Ad Revenue Pay Worth it for Content Creators?
Creators and users on the app formerly known as Twitter can now earn money thanks to a new program rollout. Creators and users on the app formerly known as Twitter can now earn money thanks to a new program rollout. X’s new ad revenue-sharing feature is the latest change to come to the platform after…